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Safety Tip of the Week - View Archives
Safety Tip of the Week delivered to your inbox each Monday by
August 22, 2022

Taking Shortcuts
Taking shortcuts lead to unsafe acts or practices that result in one of the highest reasons for facility injuries and fatalities every year. It is a decision one makes to bypass what they know, have been made aware of, or trained on.  All employees are provided with safety policies and procedures.  There may be a "reason why" but never one worth an accident or loss of life.
Common reasons or causes
  • Time constraints, rushed, or pressured to get the job done. 
  • Inconvenience – did not want to take the time to get the right tool, ladder, PPE, harness and lanyard, etc.
  • Bypassing safety devices to make it easier to access.
  • Removing a machine guard while the equipment is running.
  • Not performing a LO/TO and verification.
  • Not following rules, policies, and procedures.
    "This is how we have always done it."
  • Over confidence – "It can’t happen to me" or "I know what I’m doing."
  • Those experienced in their job on a day-to-day basis become complacent in following safety procedures.
  • Attitude – "I know more about this equipment than the guy who wrote the SOP" or "What they don’t know won’t hurt them."
  • Economic factors and incentives can also make time precious leading even  management to take short cuts in the name of production.
Avoiding Taking Shortcuts
  • Hold yourself accountable for making the right decisions.
  • Hold yourself to a higher standard.
  • Take the time to perform the job correctly while following policies and procedures.
  • Set the example, if other employees see you taking shortcuts it tells them they can take short cuts.
  • Frustration and anger can lead to bad decisions, take the time to needed to de-escalate or resolve the issue.
Source:  Glenn Dickey, All-Safe Program Manager at AgriSphere Services, LLC, Decatur, IL:

Safety Tip of the Week is edited by Managing Editor Tucker Scharfenberg
and published each Monday by Grain Journal, Decatur, IL

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